
 標準化を進めるにあったって収集した関連する仕様書・規格書を提示します。作成過程が解るように、主に作成途中のドキュメントをGoogle Drive にアップしました。容量の大きいものがありますので、ダウンロードには注意してください。

★ AIAG Specifications

AIAG B2 Vehicle Identification Nunber Label 2003

AIAG B4 Parts Identification 1998

AIAG B7 Vehicle Emission Configuration 2002

AIAG B10 Trading Partner Labels 2000

AIAG B11 Tire and Wheel Label 1994

AIAG B11 Tire and Wheel Label and RFID 2002

AIAG B11 Tire and Wheel Label and RFID 2006

AIAG B11 Tire and Wheel Label and RFID 2009

AIAG B11 Tire and Wheel Label and RFID(J) 2006

AIAG B11 Tire Identification Label 2001

AIAG B15 SCACTIL Specifications 2000

AIAG B17 2D Direct Parts Marking Guideline 2003

AIAG B17 2D Direct Parts Marking Guideline 2009

AIAG RC6 R-Containers Management Guide(J) 1991

AIAG RC6 R-Containers Management Guide 1991

GM Parts Identification and Tracking Application 2000

GM W15862 Bar Code Label for Part 2008

★ AIM Specifications

AIM Global Direct Part Mark Quality Guideline 2006

AIMI 16bit Encoding 1998

AIMI 16bit Encoding(J) 1998

AIMI 93I 1998

AIMI Aztec Code 1997

AIMI Coda Block F 1995

AIMI Code 128 1997

AIMI Extended Channel Interpretations 1998

AIMI Extended Channel Interpretations(J) 1998

AIMI Maxi code 1996

AIMI MicroPDF417 1997

AIMI Reduced Space Symbology(J) 1999

AIMI Reduced Space Symbology 1999

AIMI Super code 1998

AIMI Ultracode 1998

★ ANSI Specifications

ANSI MH10.8.1 1D and 2D symbols SCM 2000

ANSI MH10.8.2 DI and AI 1995

ANSI MH10.8.2 DI and AI 2005

ANSI MH10.8.2 DI and AI 2010

ANSI MH10.8.2 DI and AI 2011

ANSI MH10.8.2 DI and AI 2013

ANSI MH10.8.15 ISO IEC 15434 XML 2010

ANSI X12 Electronic data interchange 1992

National Standards Strategy for US 2000

National Standards Strategy for US(J) 2000

★ Chinese National Specifications

GB2312 80 Coded character set(C) 1981

GBT18284 QR code(C) 2000

GBT18284 QR code(C) Draft 2000

GBT21049 Chinese-sensible code(C) 2007

QR code Manual(C) 2000

★ Direct Marking Specifications

AIAG B17 2D Direct Parts Marking Guideline 2003

AIAG B17 2D Direct Parts Marking Guideline 2009

AIM Global Direct Part Mark Quality Guideline 2006

APTUS Laser type Analysis for UID marking 2009

ATA E-Business Spec. for Materials Manag. 2008

ATA Integrated Data Processing Manag. 2000

DoD Guide to Uniquely Identifying Items 2008

EIA 706 Component Marking 1997

GM Part and Component Bar Codes ECVVCVS 1999

GM Parts Identification and Tracking Application 2000

ISO 28219 Labelling and Direct product marking 2009

ISO IEC TR24720 Guidelines for DPM 2008

MIL STD-130N Identification Marking 2008

NASA HDBK P027 Data Matrix using DPM 2000

NASA HDBK-6003A Data Matrix using DPM 2002

NASA STD-6002A Data Matrix on Aerospace parts 2002

SAE AS478 Identification Marking Methods 1998

SAE AS9132 Data Matrix for Parts Making 2002

SAE AS9132 Data Matrix for Parts Making 2005

SEMI JT019 0708 Device Marking(J) 2008

★ Doc & DoD Specifications

DoC Radio Frequency Identification 2005(J)

DoC Radio Frequency Identification 2005

DoD Directive 8500-1 2002

DoD RFID Policy 2003

DoD SCM Labels Test Plan 1998

DoD UID Guide v1.3 2003

DoD UID Guide v1.5 2005

DoD Use of RFID in the DoD Supply Chain

★ GS1 Specifications

EAN・UCCアプリケーション識別子一覧 2003

EPC Global ALE v1.0 2005

EPC Global LLRP v1.1 2010

EPC Global Tag Data Standard v1.3 2006

EPC Global Tag Data Standards v1.1(J) 2008

EPC Global Tag Data Standard v1.9 2014

EPC Global TLS Implementation Guide v1.4

EPC RFID導入検討事項報告書 2006

GS1 Application Identifiers Specifications v8.0 2008

GS1 CBV Standard 2017

GS1 Data Matrix 2008

GS1 EPCIS and CBV Implementation Guideline 2017

GS1 EPCISによるサプライチェーンの可視化

GS1 General Specifications V10 2010

GS1 General Specifications v11 2011

GS1 General Specifications v12 2012

GS1 Global Traceability Standard 2012

GS1 RTI (Pallet Tagging) Guideline 2010

GS1 Symbol Marking for Healthcare Items 2003

GS1 医薬品・医療材料情報識別ガイド1 2006

GS1 医薬品・医療材料情報識別ガイド2 2006

GS1 鋼製器具マーキングガイド 2011

★ JAIF Specifications

JAIF B-21 RFID Item level standard 2011

JAIF B-21 RFID Item level standard(J) 2011

JAIF Guideline for RTI Identification 2010

JAIF Guideline for RTI Identification(J) 2010

★ Others Specifications

AIM Public Review Draft Han Xin Code 2010

ECR Using Traceability in the SC 2004

EDIFICE Message Implementation Guideline 2011

FDA Combating Counterfeit Drugs 2004

Germany DIN V 66401 Unique ID mark 2005

Germany DIN V 66401 Unique ID mark 2009 

ICAO 9303 2005

IEEE 802.15.4 MAC and PHY for LR-WPANs 2003

ILO GB289 Follow up to the Seafarers ID 2004

ILO Seafarers Identity Documents 2004

JAMA-JAPIA EDI標準帳票ガイドライン 2002

JAMA-JAPIA RFID完成車物流適用ガイドライン 2013 

JEITA IT-1002 情報システムの設備環境基準 2003

MIL-STD-130M Identification Marking 2003

NASA HDBK P027 No tm 2000

NASA STD P026 No tm 2000

NATO Standardization Agreement 2494 1999

NATO Standardization Agreement 4329 1999

Odette RFID standards papeV12 2007

SEMI JT019-00-0708N デバイスマーキング仕様

SEMI T2-93 ウェハマーキング仕様

UN CEFACT ebXML Business Process v1.0 2001

UNECE Traceability for Sustainable Trade 2016

US HR3448 2002

VDA5501 RFID in the container management 2006

VDA5501 RFID in the container management(J) 2006

Viet Nam TCVN 5712 8bit character 1993

Viet Nam TCVN 5773 16bit character 1993

Viet Nam TCVN 6056 16bit character 1995

Viet Nam TCVN 7322 QR code

WCO Recommendation on The UCR 2001

★ IEC Specifications

IEC 68-2-01 低温試験方法 1990

IEC 68-2-02 高温試験方法 1994

IEC 68-2-11 塩水噴霧試験方法 1981

IEC 68-2-27 衝撃試験方法 1987

IEC 68-2-31 落下・転倒試験方法 1969

IEC 68-2-32 自然落下試験方法 1975

IEC 68-2-38 温湿度サイクル試験方法 1974

IEC 68-2-68 粉塵・砂塵試験方法 1994

IEC 60068-2-18 試験R・ガイダンス 2000

IEC CD62090 Product Package Labels 1st 2000 DEC

IEC CD62090 Product Package Labels 4rd 2001 MAY

IEC CD62090 Product Package Labels 5rd 2001 JUN

IEC FCD62090 Product Package Labels 2002 FEB

IEC FDIS62090 Product Package Labels 2002 AUG

★ ISO TC20 Specifications

ISO 21849 Product Identification 2006

ISO CD21849 Product Identification (QR code) 2004 AUG

ISO CD21849 Product Identification 2002

ISO CD21849 Product Identification 2005 FEB

ISO FDIS21849 Product Identification 2006 AUG

ISO PDTS21849 Product Identification 2002 MAR

ISO WD21849 Product Identification 2003 APR

ISO WD21849 Product Identification(J) 2003 APR

★ ISO TC104 Specifications

ISO 3874 Handling and securing 1999

ISO 6346 Coding, identification and marking 1995

ISO 10374 Automatic identification 1991

ISO 14829 Calculation of stability 2002

ISO DIS18186 RFID cargo shipment tag system 2010

ISO FDIS18186 RFID cargo shipment tag system 2011

★ ISO TC122 Specifications

ISO 3394 Transport packages 1984

ISO 3676 Unit load sizes1983

ISO 6780 Flat pallets 200

ISO 15394 Add QR code(J) 2000

ISO 15394 Transport and receiving labels 2000

ISO 17363 Freight containers 2007

ISO 17363 Freight containers 2013

ISO 17364 Returnable transport items 2009

ISO 17364 Returnable transport items 2013

ISO 17365 Transport units 2009

ISO 17365 Transport units 2013

ISO 17366 Product packaging 2009

ISO 17366 Product packaging 2013

ISO 17367 Product tagging 2009

ISO 17367 Product tagging 2013

ISO 22742 Product packaging 2005

ISO 28219 Labelling and DPM 2009

ISO 28219 Labelling and DPM 2013

ISO CD15394 Transport and receiving labels 2013

ISO CD17364 Returnable transport items 2009

ISO CD17365 Transport units 2009

ISO CD17366 Product packaging 2009

ISO CD17367 Product tagging 2009

ISO CD28219 Labelling and DPM 20130

ISO DIS15394 Transport and receiving labels 2007

ISO DIS17363 Freight containers 2011

ISO DIS17364 Returnable transport items 2011

ISO DIS17365 Transport units 2011

ISO DIS17366 Product packaging 2011

ISO DIS17367 Product tagging 2011

ISO DIS22742 Product packaging 2003

ISO DIS22742 Product packaging 2009

ISO DIS28219 Labelling and DPM 2006

ISO DTR22251 Use of RFID on RTI 2018




ISO FDIS3394 Rigid rectangular packages 2011

ISO FDIS3676 Unit load dimensions 2012

ISO FDIS17363 Freight containers 2012

ISO FDIS17364 Returnable transport items 2004

ISO FDIS17364 Returnable transport items 2007

ISO FDIS17364 Returnable transport items 2009

ISO FDIS17364 Returnable transport items 2012

ISO FDIS17365 Transport units 2007

ISO FDIS17365 Transport units 2009

ISO FDIS17365 Transport units 2012

ISO FDIS17366 Product packaging 2007

ISO FDIS17366 Product packaging 2009

ISO FDIS17366 Product packaging 2012

ISO FDIS17367 Product tagging 2007

ISO FDIS17367 Product tagging 2009

ISO FDIS17367 Product tagging 2012

ISO FDIS22742 Product packaging 2004

ISO FDIS22742 Product packaging 2009

ISO FDIS22742 Product packaging 2010

ISO TR17350 Direct Marking on Plastic RTIs 2013

ISO TR17370 Data Carriers for SCM 2013

★ ISO TC154 Specifications

ISO 9735 4 EDIFACT Syntax and service message 1998

ISO 9735 5 EDIFACT Security rules for batch EDI 1999

ISO 9735 8 EDIFACT Associated data in EDI 1998

★ ISO TC204 Specifications

ISO 14814 Reference architecture 2006

ISO 14816 Numbering and data structure 2000

ISO DIS26683-1 FLC-CIC Application profile 2012

ISO DIS26683-2 FLC-CIC Interface profile 2012

ISO TS14815 System specifications 2000

★ JIS Specifications

JIS C 0807 (IEC 62090) 2005

JIS Q 14020 (ISO 14020) 1999

JIS X 0201 1976(E)

JIS X 0202 (ISO IEC 2022) 1998

JIS X 0208 1990 1(E)

JIS X 0208 1990 2(E)

JIS X 0211 (ISO IEC 6429) 1994

JIS X 0500 2002

JIS X 0500-1(ISO IEC 19762-1) 用語 2009

JIS X 0500-2(ISO IEC 19762-2) 用語 2009

JIS X 0500-3(ISO IEC 19762-3) 用語 2009

JIS X 0503 (ISO IEC 16388) コード39 2000

JIS X 0504 (ISO IEC 15417) コード128 2003

JIS X 0506 NW7 2000

JIS X 0507 (ISO IEC 15420) EAN UPC 2003

JIS X 0507 (ISO IEC 15420) EAN UPC 2004

JIS X 0510 (ISO IEC 18004) QRコード 2004

JIS X 0515 (ISO 15394) 2003

JIS X 0515 (ISO 15394) 2013

JIS X 0516 (ISO 22742) 2006

JIS X 0520 (ISO IEC 15416) 2001

JIS X 0525 (ISO IEC 29133) 2013

JIS X 0530 (ISO IEC 15424) 2003

JIS X 0531 (ISO IEC 15418) 2003

JIS X 0532-1 (ISO IEC 15459-1) 2003

JIS X 0532-2 (ISO IEC 15459-2) 2003

JIS X 0533 (ISO IEC 15434)2003

JIS X 6300-8 (ISO IEC 7816-8) 2001

JIS X 6300-9 (ISO IEC 7816-9) 2001

JIS X 6301 1998

JIS X 6302 1998

JIS X 6302 1999

JIS X 6303 2000

JIS X 6304 2000

JIS X 6305 1995

JIS X 6305-6 (ISO IEC 10373-6) 2001

JIS X 6305-7 (ISO IEC 10373-7) 2001

JIS X 6306 1995

JIS X 6307 (ISO IEC 7816-6) 1998

JIS X 6322-1 (ISO IEC 14443-1) 2001

JIS X 6322-2 (ISO IEC 14443-2) 2001

JIS X 6322-3 (ISO IEC 14443-3) 2001

JIS X 6322-4 (ISO IEC 14443-4) 2002

JIS X 6323-1 (ISO IEC 15693-1) 2001

JIS X 6323-2 (ISO IEC 15693-2) 2001

JIS X 6323-3 (ISO IEC 15693-3) 2001

JIS X 6323-4 (ISO IEC 15693-4) 2002

JIS X 6351-1 (ISO IEC 18000-1) アーキテクチャー 2010

JIS X 6351-2 (ISO IEC 18000-2) 135KHz未満 2010

JIS X 6351-3 (ISO IEC 18000-3) 13.56MHz 2010

JIS X 6351-4 (ISO IEC 18000-4) 2.4GHz 2010

JIS Z 8002 2006

★ JIS Draft Specifications

JIS Draft C 807 (IEC 62090) 2003

JIS Draft C 807 (IEC 62090) 2005

JIS Draft X 0500 2000

JIS Draft X 0500-1 (ISO IEC 19762-1) 2005

JIS Draft X 0500-2 (ISO IEC 19762-2) 2005

JIS Draft X 0500-3 (ISO IEC 19762-3) 2005

JIS Draft X 0503 (ISO IEC 16388) 2011

JIS Draft X 0504 (ISO IEC 15417) 2001

JIS Draft X 0505 (ISO IEC 16390) 2002

JIS Draft X 0505 (ISO IEC 16390) 2011

JIS Draft X 0507 (ISO IEC 15420) 2002

JIS Draft X 0515 (ISO 15394) 2003

JIS Draft X 0516 (ISO 22742) 2004

JIS Draft X 0521 (ISO IEC15426-1) 2002

JIS Draft X 0522-1 (ISO IEC 15423-1) 2002

JIS Draft X 0523 (ISO IEC 15419) 2004

JIS Draft X 0524 (ISO IEC 15421) 2004

JIS Draft X 0530 (ISO IEC 15424) 2001

JIS Draft X 0531 (ISO IEC 15418) 1999

JIS Draft X 0532-1 (ISO IEC15459-1) 2001

JIS Draft X 0532-1 (ISO IEC15459-1) 2004

JIS Draft X 0532-2 (ISO IEC15459-2) 2004

JIS Draft X 0533 (ISO IEC 15434) 2001

JIS Draft X 6351-1 (ISO IEC 18000-1) 2007

JIS Draft X 6351-2 (ISO IEC 18000-2) 2007

JIS Draft X 6351-3 (ISO IEC 18000-3) 2007

JIS Draft X 6351-4 (ISO IEC 18000-4) 2007

JIS Draft X 6351-6 (ISO IEC 18000-6) 2007

JIS Draft X 6351-7 (ISO IEC 18000-7) 2007

★ JTC1 SC2 Specifications

ISO IEC 646 7bit coded character set 1991

ISO IEC 8859-1 8bit coded character set 1998

ISO IEC 8859-11 8bit coded character set 2001

ISO IEC 10646 UCS no1 (1-381) 2003

ISO IEC 10646 UCS no2 (381-520) 2003

ISO IEC 10646 UCS no3 (521-660) 2003

ISO IEC 10646 UCS no4 (661-817) 2003

ISO IEC 10646 UCS no5 (817-973) 2003

ISO IEC 10646 UCS no6 (973-1418) 2003

★ JTC1 SC17 Specifications

ISO IEC CD14443-4 Transmission protocol 1999

ISO IEC CD15693-3 Anti-collision protocol 1999

ISO IEC FCD14443-2 RF signal interface 1999

ISO IEC FCD14443-3 Anti-collision 1999

ISO IEC FCD15693-1 Physical characteristics 1999

ISO IEC FCD15693-2 RF signal interface 1999

★ JTC1 SC31 Specifications

ISO IEC 15416 Print quality 2000

ISO IEC 15418 AI and DI 1999

ISO IEC 15420 EAN・UPC 2000

ISO IEC 15421 Bar code master test 2000

ISO IEC 15423-1 Bar code scanner 2001

ISO IEC 15426-1 Bar code verifier 2000

ISO IEC 15434 Transfer syntax 1999

ISO IEC 15459-1 Transport units 1999

ISO IEC 15459-1 Transport units 2006

ISO IEC 15459-2 Registration procedures 1999

ISO IEC 15459-2 Registration procedures 2006

ISO IEC 15459-3 Common rules 2006

ISO IEC 15459-4 Product packages 2006

ISO IEC 16022 Data matrix 2000

ISO IEC 16023 Maxi code 2000

ISO IEC 16388 Code39 1999

ISO IEC 18004 QR Code 2005

ISO IEC 19762-1 Vocabulary General terms 2005

ISO IEC 19762-2 Vocabulary ORM 2005

ISO IEC 29133 Rewritable hybrid media 2010 

ISO IEC CD15415 2D print quality 2003

ISO IEC CD15962 RFID encoding rules 2008

ISO IEC CD29158 Direct part mark 2009

ISO IEC Directives Part1 2011

ISO IEC DIS15961-1 RFID application interface 2010

ISO IEC DIS29133 Rewritable hybrid media 2004 

ISO IEC DTR20017 EMI impact of pacemakers 2010

ISO IEC DTR24720 Guideline DPM 2007

ISO IEC DTR29158 Direct part mark 2011

ISO IEC FCD15459-1 Transport units 2010

ISO IEC FCD15459-2 Registration procedures 2010

ISO IEC FCD15459-3 Common rules 2010

ISO IEC FCD15459-4 Product packages 2009

ISO IEC FCD15459-5 Returnable transport items 2010

ISO IEC FCD15459-6 Groupings 2010

ISO IEC FCD15961-1 RFID application interface 2010

ISO IEC FCD15962 RFID encoding rules 2010

ISO IEC FCD16022 Data matrix 2005

ISO IEC FCD29133 Rewritable hybrid media 2009 


ISO IEC FDIS 15421 Bar code master test 2010

ISO IEC FDIS 15423 Bar code scanner 2009

ISO IEC FDIS 15424 Data carrier identifiers 2000

ISO IEC FDIS 15459-1 Transport units 2005

ISO IEC FDIS 15459-1 Transport units 2011

ISO IEC FDIS 15459-1 Transport units 2014

ISO IEC FDIS 15459-2 Registration procedures 2005

ISO IEC FDIS 15459-2 Registration procedures 2011

ISO IEC FDIS 15459-2 Registration procedures 2014

ISO IEC FDIS 15459-3 Common rules 2005

ISO IEC FDIS 15459-3 Common rules 2011

ISO IEC FDIS 15459-3 Common rules 2014

ISO IEC FDIS 15459-4 Product packages 2011

ISO IEC FDIS 15459-4 Product packages 2014

ISO IEC FDIS 15459-5 Returnable transport items 2007

ISO IEC FDIS 15459-5 Returnable transport items 2011

ISO IEC FDIS 15459-5 Returnable transport items 2014

ISO IEC FDIS 15459-6 Groupings 2006

ISO IEC FDIS 15459-6 Groupings 2011

ISO IEC FDIS 15459-6 Groupings 2014

ISO IEC FDIS 15459-8 Grouping of transport units 2009

ISO IEC FDIS 15961 RFID Application interface 2004

ISO IEC FDIS 15961-1 Application interface 2011

ISO IEC FDIS 15961-2 Registration RFID 2010

ISO IEC FDIS 15961-3 RFID data constructs 2010

ISO IEC FDIS 15962 Data protocol 2004

ISO IEC FDIS 15962 Data protocol 2011

ISO IEC FDIS 15963 RFtag Unique identification 2004

ISO IEC FDIS 15963 RFtag Unique identification 2009

ISO IEC FDIS 16388 Code39 2007

ISO IEC FDIS 18000-1 RFID AI parameters 2004

ISO IEC FDIS 18000-2 RFID AI 135KHz 2004

ISO IEC FDIS 18000-2 RFID AI 135KHz 2009

ISO IEC FDIS 18000-3 RFID AI 13.56MHz 2004

ISO IEC FDIS 18000-3 RFID AI 13.56MHz 2010

ISO IEC FDIS 18000-4 RFID AI 2.45GHz 2004


ISO IEC FDIS 18000-7 RFID AI 433MHz 2004

ISO IEC FDIS 18000-7 RFID AI 433MHz 2009

ISO IEC FDIS 18000-63 RFID AI UHF 2012 

ISO IEC FDIS15415 2D print quality 2003

ISO IEC FDIS15415 2D print quality 2004

ISO IEC FDIS15416 Print quality 2000

ISO IEC FDIS15417 Code128 2007

ISO IEC FDIS15418 AI and DI 1999

ISO IEC FDIS15434 Transfer syntax 1999

ISO IEC FDIS16480 Mobile ORM 2013

ISO IEC FDIS18004 QR code 2000

ISO IEC FDIS18004 QR code 2005 2006

ISO IEC FDIS18004 QR code 2014

ISO IEC FDIS18046-2 RFID interrogator performance 2011

ISO IEC FDIS19762-1 Vocabulary General terms 2008

ISO IEC FDIS19762-2 Vocabulary ORM 2008

ISO IEC FDIS19762-3 Vocabulary RFID 2008

ISO IEC FDIS19762-4 Vocabulary Radio communications 2008

ISO IEC FDIS19762-5 Vocabulary Locating systems 2008

ISO IEC FDIS24791-1 RFID software Architecture 2010

ISO IEC FDIS24791-2 RFID software Data management 2011

ISO IEC FDIS24791-5 RFID software Device interface 2012

ISO IEC FDIS29133 Rewritable hybrid media 2009

ISO IEC FDIS29133 Rewritable hybrid media 2010

ISO IEC FDIS29160 RFID emblem 2009

ISO IEC PDTR29162 Guideline using AIDC media 2009

ISO IEC TR20017 Interrogator on pacemakers 2011

ISO IEC TR24720 Guideline DPM 2008

Issuing Agency Codes 2008

Issuing Agency Codes 2010

RFID Patent Statements 18000-2,3,4,5,6 2003

SC31 Program of Work 2009